Ella Callander_Smell.png
Ella Callander_Smell_viewing.png

Smell  (2019)
Video project, printed key
1 x 1 m projection, 21 x 10 cm key

Smell (2019) is a video projection cycling through nine different scents. Below each phrase is a corresponding symbol. These symbols, almost scientific in visual style, are comprised of variations of basic shapes (circle, square, triangle) that represent the feeling associated with, the frequency of, and the effect of the presented smell. Creating the desire to translate inherently forces the viewer to work for the meaning and consider the text more thoroughly, comparing their experience of the smell with mine. By creating a logical system of symbols to represent infrequently discussed but commonly experiences scents or phrases, it emphasises the importance of analysing feelings associated with the everyday.


Sky Pool (2019)


cuppa? (2019)