Photo: Carl Warner

Underrepresented Ordinary (2019)
Two 48inch monitors, 7.5min video
60cm x 110cm

The Underrepresented Ordinary (2019) is a minimalistic multichannel video work presenting a series of phrases and their corresponding symbols. Changing every 45 seconds, these phrases highlight mundane happenings, situations, and inconveniences within everyday life. The phrases are important in their own right, however the symbols emphasise the significance of such through the consideration of the suburban happenings and translation into symbol. Callander’s developed language of symbols chooses to identify and represent the feelings, effect, and frequency associated with the situation, defining these ordinary happenings by their overall impact rather than the circumstance itself. By doing so, Callander enforces the notion that these widely experienced anecdotes (and the feelings associated with such) are worth defining, representing, and considering.


Square of Opposition (2019)


If we were both home at the right time (2019)